Safeguarding statement


This statement confirms the commitment of the Bendigo City FC Inc. (“us”, “we”, “our”, “BCFC”, or “the Club”) to uphold the Football Australia Safeguarding Policy (“the policy).

This statement, and the Football Australia Safeguarding Policy applies, to BCFC’s administrators, committee, coaches, players and volunteers, and to the fullest extent possible to parents and guardians of players and to spectators at matches and training.


Bendigo City FC supports and embraces the Football Australia philosophy that everyone involved in our sport should be treated with respect and dignity, and be free to participate without being discriminated against, harassed, bullied or abused.

All children should be able to enjoy participating in football in a safe, supportive and empowering environment.

Our club aims to provide an environment where everyone is empowered to protect themselves and one another. It is the responsibility of every member of our club to safeguard the welfare and wellbeing of all children.

All Members, in particular children, should feel comfortable, and be encouraged to, speak up and report any concerns they may have about the safeguarding of children in football.

Bendigo City FC endorses the Football Australia Safeguarding Policy, and adopts and commits to enforce the requirements of the policy. The club has a zero-tolerance for abuse of children.

The requirements of this statement and the Football Australia Safeguarding Policy also apply equally to adults at risk (people aged 18 years and over who have care and support needs and are at risk of abuse or neglect).

Measures that our club takes to ensure the safety of children

In addition to applying the requirements of the Football Australia Safeguarding Policy, the Club has the following measures in place to protect the safety and wellbeing of children participating in our sport. The Club:

  • Appoints one or more Member Protection Information Officer(s).
  • Communicates the name(s) of the Club’s Member Protection Information Officer(s), their role, and how they may be contacted.
  • Provides a link to the Football Australia Safeguarding Policy on the Bendigo City FC website.
  • Communicates the requirements and expectations of the Football Australia Safeguarding Policy.
  • Communicates details of how a raise complaint or concern about possible child mistreatment, discrimination, harassment or other inappropriate behaviour.
  • Conducts a coach recruitment, screening and induction process using an established checklist.
  • Obtains permission from individuals and parents before publishing images of individuals in publications and social media.
  • Checks and maintains a register of Working With Children Check cards held by coaches, committee members and volunteers.
  • Places the safety and welfare of children above other considerations.

Reporting possible child mistreatment, discrimination, harassment, or inappropriate behaviour

Any person who believes a child is in immediate danger, or a life-threatening situation must contact the Police immediately on 000.

Any coach, committee member, volunteer, club member or parent who experiences, witnesses or suspects abuse, potential abuse, mistreatment, misconduct or other inappropriate behaviour involving a child in relation to their participation in football should make a report to Football Australia using the following link:

In addition, details of the incident or concern should also be communicated through one or more of the following channels to:

  • The club using the BCFC incident report form,
  • The club through the BCFC complaints and grievance procedure, or
  • The club’s Member Protection Information Officer.

No person, or their child(ren), will be treated unfairly or victimised for making a report.

Actions the club will take in response to suspected mistreatment of a child

All reports involving potential harm to, or mistreatment of, a child will be discussed by the Bendigo City FC committee. The technical director will be included in these discussions if the committee deems this appropriate.

Where actions are identified that are potentially criminal, the matter will be referred to the Police.

The Club and committee will assist the Police or Football Australia (as appropriate) with any investigation.

The action taken by the committee in response to an allegation will depend on the seriousness of the act, and the involvement of other parties (e.g. Police or Football Australia).

Related legislation and documents